Visits | Stays
Address: c.so Garibaldi 2, 36016, Thiene (VI)
Contact: Francesca di Thiene – Tel. + 39 0445.380879 Cel. +39. 329 8541962
From Saturday 1 May 2021 the Castle will be open every Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Online booking required: www.castellodithiene.com/it/visite
Thiene Castle is an extraordinary example of a pre-Palladian Veneto villa. The only example of its kind, it is an important landmark in the architectural evolution of Veneto villas: a model for subsequent villa developments, as an early example of a sumptuous noble residence in the countryside but also a place of commerce and storehouse for the products of the land. Beyond the entrance tower one immediately has the sensation of taking a plunge into the past: majestic and powerful, the castle preserves the sobriety and charm of a 15th-century building, with period furniture, paintings and frescoes.
Thiene Castle is the private residence of the Thiene Counts who reside there and who passionately guard and enhance this vast complex with important cultural events and guided tours in the tourist areas. Recently, it has also offered the possibility of spending unforgettable stays there, experiencing the experience of sleeping in an ancient and prestigious residence dating back to the 15th century.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.castellodithiene.com