Busseto is a village certified by the Italian Touring Club with the Orange Flag. In the historic center one can grasp the typical layout of Po Valley towns with long streets lined with porticoes and low, well ornate palazzetti. Busseto, a center of the Bassa Parmense, is rich in history and tradition: it was the seat of the Pallavicino seigniory, which made it the capital of their state from the 10th to the 16th century, and in 1533 it was elevated to the rank of city by Emperor Charles V of Hapsburg. Giuseppe Verdi, the “swan of Busseto,” is credited with the name of the main square, the monument created by Luigi Secchi in 1913, and, inside the Pal lavicino fortress now the town hall, the delightful theater that is home to important cultural events. Not to be missed in Roncole is the house where the Maestro was born. In the historic center is the G. Verdi theater and the Casa Barezzi museum. Just beyond the historic city limits is the Villa Pallavi cino, home to the G. Verdi National Museum and the Renata Tebaldi Museum, at the Villa’s stables. Taste typical products such as culatello and Parmigiano Reggiano.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.bandierearancioni.it/borgo/busseto