Stays | Visits | Museum
Address: Str. Al Castello 1, Felino (PR)
Contacts: +39 0521 336020
A fortress nestled in the green hills of Parma, ancient home of noble families and refuge of heroic condottieri. A place capable of telling stories and revealing secrets: welcome to Felino Castle. Felino Castle has 1130 years of history all to discover.
Since the year 890, the Castle still carries all its primordial charm, in an adventure-filled journey through time. Staggered sheer from a steep hill it appears as if out of the blue, surrounded by majestic ramparts and embraced by a deep moat. It happens, on occasion, to run into a mysterious ghost: it is said that he appears at the stroke of midnight, in the guise of Ottobono Terzi who, in the 1400s, fought his battle for the conquest of the manor against the Rossi family, the reigning feudal lords at the castle.
The Castle Suites have Renaissance elegance, warm shades of love, and a cozy, intimate atmosphere. You can indulge in a romantic getaway and stay in one of the noble Suites, wake up in the morning and admire an exceptional view while enjoying your breakfast in the court of honor.
Feline Salami Museum:
In the heart of the Castle, inside the historic cellars, is home to the Felino Salami Museum. Here you can discover the history of the prince of cured meats and appreciate its goodness.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://www.dimorestoricheitaliane.it/dimora/castello-di-felino/?lan=it