It is Pinocchio’s village. The ancient village looks like a cascade of small houses cascading down the slope of a steep hill. At the top is the ancient Rocca, at the bottom the imposing bulk of Villa Garzoni, flanked by the splendid Baroque garden created in the 17th century, inside which is the Collodi Butterfly House. The Pinocchio Park is an open-air museum and a place of relaxation for visitors of all ages. In the southern part is the Paese dei balocchi (Toyland), bronze sculptures and buildings that function as ‘monuments for play’ referring to the famous episodes of the novel. Enhancing the value of the place are the painted walls of Collodi, works by highly talented artists who have reproduced the tale of Pinocchio on the façades of the village houses.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://www.bandierearancioni.it/borgo/collodi