Address: 14 Viale XX Settembre, 34170 Gorizia
Contact: 0481 533485
Reservation required: www.coronini.it/info/orari-e-tariffe
Palazzo Coronini Cronberg is a historic mansion dating back to the late 16th century. Today it is home to the Foundation of the same name. Strolling through the fifteen rooms that make up the museum itinerary, including the room where Charles X of Bourbon, the last king of France, died in 1836, visitors are transported enchantingly back in time, thanks to the warm and evocative atmosphere of the rooms with Fifteenth- and Seventeenth-century furnishings on the ground floor, the sumptuous Eighteenth-century drawing rooms, the Empire rooms and the Nineteenth-century rooms on the main floor. Knick-knacks, silverware, porcelain, crystal, photographs, portraits and everyday objects recreate the atmosphere of a home that was really lived in, letting you feel the presence of the former owners in every room.
Amidst mementos and family heirlooms, one can admire works of art of extraordinary value: paintings attributed to Bernardo Strozzi and Rubens, canvases by Alessandro Magnasco, Giambattista Langetti, Giuseppe Tominz, and Vladimir L. Borovikovsky, and sculptures by Bertel Thorvaldsen, Giuseppe Ceracchi, and Franz Xaver Messerschmidt.
The palace is surrounded by a splendid five-hectare English-style park, in which one discovers important Aquileian archaeological finds, an elegant Art Nouveau temple, and rare and precious plants: ash trees, linden trees, Himalayan cedars, exotic plants such as palms, loquats from Japan, bamboo, and a hundred-year-old cork oak.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.turismofvg.it and www.gardenrouteitalia.it