Address: Piazzale Gioberti, 2 – 62019 – Recanati (MC)
Contact: Tel. +39 071/7574818
Palazzo Dalla Casapiccola is located in the historic center of Recanati: the central part, which has remained intact, was built in 1600; the side wings were transformed in 1800. It was built to house cardinals and other prelates who made pilgrimages from Rome to the Sanctuary of Loreto. The halls on the main floor have ceilings beautifully frescoed with mythological scenes and grotesques. In the main one you can admire an 18th-century stone fireplace and a rare grand fortepiano dated Vienna 1840. From the beautiful 18th-century garden in the palace´s inner courtyard, one can admire the “Colle dell´Infinito.”
FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://www.dimorestoricheitaliane.it/dimora/palazzo-dalla-casapiccola/?lan=it