Guided tours | Stays
Address: via Villa 117, 36070, Castelgomberto (VI)
Contact: +39 335 64 55 820
A few kilometres from Vicenza is the Villa da Schio complex. It is surrounded by an 18th-century park with large avenues of centuries-old trees and wide green spaces. The main body of the villa has the classic structure of Veneto villas: an inner courtyard surrounded by an imposing colonnade with the barchesse and the chapel. The complex was built by the Piovene family in the second half of the 17th century. From the Piovene family, the villa passed by inheritance to the da Porto family and later to the da Schio family, the current owners. Today, the villa is an exclusive location for both private events such as weddings, meetings, parties, and receptions, as well as a place to find hospitality.
The Villa is open from April to October inclusive, with different opening hours depending on the season. The exterior and the entire park can be visited. Special conditions for schools, universities and cultural organisations. Groups of a minimum of 15 persons.
Reservations at least 48 hours in advance. Guided tours are organised periodically.
Four residences of different sizes, finished in every detail, are also available in the Villa da Schio complex for medium-term periods or holidays.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.villadaschio.com