Address: via Sabato De Vita 1, 84080, Pellezzano (SA)
Contact: responsible Rosa Scarpa: +39 089.271933 | cell. +39 347.7577852
Guided tours by reservation
Villa Wenner was, from the second half of the 19th century, the residence of the Wenner family, the main promoter of textile industrial settlements in the Irno Valley. Don Alberto Wenner had it built in 1862 on the municipal land of Pellezzano, in the locality still known today as Villini Svizzeri: in fact, other buildings for the families of the cogerenti and employees of the industries themselves arose on the site.
Architect Stefano Gasse, already famous in Naples for having designed the facade of Palazzo S. Giacomo, the municipal seat, and the Boschetto of the Villa Reale, was called in to design the Swiss settlement. Gasse stayed many months in Pellezzano to follow the work closely and wanted to give the whole thing, including the surrounding park, a typically neoclassical style.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://www.dimorestoricheitaliane.it/dimora/villa-wenner/